
The Alliance is pleased to announce the recruitment of 3 additional MDT Co-ordinators increasing the number to 5.5 FTE working throughout the City of Sunderland.

Integrated Care is designed to enable healthcare professionals to operate in a more collaborative and cohesive manner across provider boundaries. By working alongside practices, MDT Co-ordinators will help provide a high quality service, focused entirely on patients. This approach will help healthcare services to be integrated effortlessly and operate in a more unified manner.

It is an essential requirement for MDT Co-ordinators to ensure that patients receive the best outcome in healthcare. They work to support the integrated care team in the management of patient care; making sure that all necessary resources are available to ensure the best possible care for patients.

All of our MDT Co-ordinators offer a combination of skills and experience within the healthcare environment to assist GPs in the City of Sunderland. One GP surgery in particular, New City Medical Centre, have recently benefited from MDT Co-ordinator Julie Barnett.

Janice Preece, Practice Manager at New City Medical Centre commented:

“We have now had two very successful MDT meetings so I thought I could share with other Practices our experiences and success. The last two Meetings were very well organised and very well facilitated. The Practice must give some credit to Julie Barnett, she has been very supportive ensuring the MDT Meetings are well facilitated and run smoothly. We have had some positive outcomes to patient’s treatments and care packages from the outcomes of these meetings so far.

From the positive outcomes of the last two meetings, we hope the hard work and good team effort from all parties involved continues; we can see a positive impact on our more vulnerable patients who are at risk, and we continue to ensure that every effort is made from the outcomes of these MDT meetings to better manage their care and individual needs in their own homes.”

With a history in both legal and medical secretarial roles, Julie was deemed a “perfect fit” for an MDT Co-ordinator role. Julie said:

“I really enjoy working within the health sector and I am looking forward to working with a range of healthcare professionals in order to assist with the delivery of patient care.”

The Alliance is really pleased to hear how our MDT Co-ordinators have been making a difference and benefiting GPs surgeries across the City of Sunderland.

For more information please contact us.