
Member practices have consistently asked the Alliance to explore the collective purchase of medical indemnity with the intention of obtaining a more competitive quote.

The escalating cost of obtaining indemnity has made this one of the key issues facing practices today.

The Alliance is working with the traditional medical defence organisations (MDOs) MPS, MDU and MDDUS, to understand the discounts that might be available by leveraging our organisation’s scale. In order to progress with this, and accurately establish the level of discount on offer, the MDO needs to be able to assess the risk of each GP. This is the same exercise that would be undertaken should any GP approach an alternative MDO as an individual, and involves the MDO approaching the current indemnity provider to understand a GP’s claims history. However, this cannot be done without your consent.


sgpa-members-icon-downloadsAs such, if you are interested in finding out what savings may be available, can I ask that you download and complete the Claim History Request Form. The form gives the MDO permission to contact your current indemnity provider and the information to provide an accurate quotation. We hope that significant savings will be on offer, and the more GPs that participate, the greater the likely savings.


Please be aware that by completing the attached form you are not committed to anything – this is simply a means to gather the required data needed to provide a quote. The information gathered will not be used for any other purpose and will not be revealed to the Alliance. Please email completed forms to [email protected].